Individuals will be identified and invited to participate in the GFTE gatherings in a manner that will assure a balance between the six Christian families, a balance between women and men, and equal representation from the different regions of the world. The selection process will take into account the wish for strong representation of people under 40 years-of-age as well as those more experienced. Preference will be given to people who are influencers (or likely to become influencers), people who are committed to the church, and those who work in an interdisciplinary manner. People who are exclusive or not open to new ideas will be avoided. For the first global gathering, participation will be limited to those invited by the executive committee. Others interested in learning about the fellowship will be invited be part of a larger network and so stay in touch with on-going developments.
Representatives of foundations and other organizations supporting theological education will be invited to attend, with the understanding that they will participate fully and will not engage in conversations regarding potential funding projects.
Everyone interested in the goals of the GFTE is encouraged to organize and take part in regional and local gatherings of theological educators from different Christian traditions. We envision meetings with similar focus and purpose to those of the GFTE global gatherings taking place at regional and local levels.